Monday, January 03, 2005


I don't like bumper stickers. I really don't like political bumper stickers. Religious bumper stickers give me a rash. I especially don't like these "Support Our Troops" ribbon magnets every yuck nut seems to have on their pickup or SUV. I don't believe this particular group supports our troops. You can't support our troops and be gettin' 12 miles to the gallon. Plus, I just don't like bein' told what to do. "Save the Salmon", "Get Right with Jesus", "W",...ahh, why don't you people shut the fuck up?

While waiting to pay for something the other day, I looked at the ribbon magnet shown below. It felt icky and dangerous. It felt wrong. Then I noticed something that made me laugh my ass off.

This is the best example of the insanity going on in America I've seen in more than a week! We are so cheap, so needin' a good deal that we won't even pay an American to make our "Support Our Troops" stickers. There is something evil going on and this is a good example of it. We're crazy! I just don't know whether to laugh or cry or invest heavily in foreign markets.


At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's real is that the nation is not the thing any more--not for the crap heads who run the world and Bush. What is real is the international corp. that loots, determines policy, sends troops off to kill and die. There really is precious little irony (unfortunately) to the support our troops sticker made in China. We are all interchangeable and the so called American ideals--and the UN charter--and the Sermon on the Mount don't mean shit to these guys...and that's going to screw us all. Keep burning, hick. We need the light and the heat...and you're not burning Iraqi oil!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger C Hurley said...

I'm laughin my ass off! Good find. I just hope that was at Wal-mart!


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