Too Much Monkey Business
I am full on pissed about the development going on around here.The prevailing attitude seems to say, we don’t need farms or green space, we need another Wal-Mart so we don’t have to drive to that one way down there! I mean, that Wal-Mart’s like three hundred yards from here! We’ll never make it! We’ll break down or it’ll snow or it’ll rain and we’ll surely get hit tryin’ to make it all the way out there!
You know why we need another Wal-Mart? Because of the children. Do you want to subject children to the risks of extended travel? Of course you don’t. Besides, what good ever came off a farm? Food is simply not economically viable anymore and damn it, we need jobs!
If unchecked development was such a great idea New York would be the greatest place in the world to live. But it’s not. It’s a festering cesspool.
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