Changing Hearts and Minds: Rethinking the Death Penalty
The argument that the death penalty is a deterrent to murder is a crock of shit. If someone is bad off enough to commit murder, they’re not thinking about the consequences. On the other hand, I’m also hip that a certain percentage of the population needs the state to kill people in order to feel like there’s justice in the world.I suggest we keep the death penalty but attach it to another crime, like jaywalking. Murderers don’t care about the death penalty because they’re murderers. We’re not going to make any headway with that demographic. But strap a few jaywalkers into the electric chair and you’ll see the rest of us straighten up our slack ass pedestrian habits in a hurry. Oh my, I expect a wave of support on this one. Especially from the fundamentalist. It’s got everything they want: blood, control over others, revenge and results.
I agree completely....very good point.
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