Saturday, October 02, 2004


You know what bugs the shit out of me? People who have no identity of their own so they appropriate someone else’s. We white people do this quite a bit. The self- important chain smoking bleached blond driver in the post below has no legitimate claim to the song “We Shall Overcome.” I bet she’s never heard it or has any idea it was born out of the harsh conditions slaves endured out in the Carolina rice fields. In fact, I bet she makes snide comments when she sees protesters on the evening news. I’d bet a nut she’s never been to a protest rally or even seen one because she doesn’t like to drive downtown. But all the sudden in the wake of 911 she feels she’s an oppressed minority. It’s a slap in the face to those who genuinely struggled to overcome. Hey lady, you know the best way for you to contribute to the overcoming of our current political state? Buy a sensible car!

George Carlin said it best: When white people with those blue eyes and blond hair start sailing out of the north toward your country, you better bolt the doors, board up the windows and hide your women. ‘Cause if we can’t steal it, we’ll burn it. And if we can’t burn it, we’ll fuck it!


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